Notes: The (Hindu) Legend of the Sami Tree


Indian (Rajasthan) Hindu warriors worshipped the Sami tree for victory, and hid their weapons in the tree.

“The botanical name of this tree is Prosopis spicigera. Every Hindu warrior before going for war would offer prayers to Banni tree and then proceed. They believed that they would emerge victorious in the war. The legend behind is rooted in the great epic Mahabharatha. When Pandavas were in exile for 14 years, they had to spend one-year incognito. During this period they had to hide their precious weapons lest they give away their identity. They chose the Shami tree to hide their weapons. After a year, they came back to the tree and found their weapons intact. They worshiped the tree and asked for power and victory in the ensuing battle between the Pandavas and Kauravas. Pandavas won the battle and hence it is believed that the Sami tree gives power and victory to those who pray to it.”  — Sami tree the shelter of Pandavas weapon

3 thoughts on “Notes: The (Hindu) Legend of the Sami Tree

  1. S.K. Roy says:

    My elder colleague presented me semi tree. A very religious tree

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